№ |
Фамилии авторов, название доклада |
Пленарная секция (доклады по законченным диссертациям) |
1 | Лисовская Татьяна Александровна Компенсация реактивной мощности в питающей сети посредством активных выпрямителей напряжения в составе электроприводов большой мощности |
Секция 1. Автоматизированный электропривод |
1.1 | Evgeny Omelchenko, Vasily Tanich, Dmitry Kabanov A Four Axle Shunting Electric Locomotive Control System Based on Inverter-Induction Motor Technology with Account of Slipping |
1.2 | Varvara Sycheva, Andrey Belikov Adaptive control system for objects with dynamically varying parameters |
1.3 | Ildar I. Khaydarov, Rustam R. Sharipov Sensorless Synchronous Motor Control System |
1.4 | Юдин Р.Ю. Методы и средства косвенной оценки технологических параметров для управления установкой электроцентробежного насоса |
1.5 | M. Yu. Petushkov, D. A. Epov Analysis of the Possibility of Using Indirect Methods for Measuring the Weight of the Load on the Lifting Drive |
1.6 | M. Yu. Petushkov, S. S. Kholodilov Application of the Generator Mode to Obtain a Diagnostic Signal in the Diagnosis of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors |
Секция 2. Автоматизация и управление технологическими процессами |
2.1 | A.A. Nikolaev, P.G. Tulupov, S.S. Ryzhevol, V.S. Ivekeev Analysing of the efficiency for ladle furnace improved electric modes control algorithms at PJSC “MMK” |
2.2 | Adnan F. Alhaj Hasan, Valeriy A. Semenyuk, Talgat R. Gazizov Understanding the Effectiveness of Double Modal Reservation in PCB Manufacturing: Experimental Study on Radiated Emissions |
2.3 | Nikita Topolsky, Dmitry Topolsky, Dzhamilya Khakimova Electricity Metering Software and Hardware Complex Control System Optimization |
2.4 | Begmurod R. Saidmurodov, Zyuzev M. Anatoly Models of operational forecasting of arc furnace energy consumption using machine learning methods |
2.5 | Prasolov A.S., Andreev S.M. Using a mathematical model of the hot blast stove to control the operating periods of the unit |
2.6 | S. M. Andreev, D. V. Nuzhin Developing an Optimal Control System for Workpiece Heating in a Continuous Furnace Using the Digital Twin Technology |
Секция 3. Силовая электроника |
3.1 | T.A. Lisovskaya, A.S. Maklakov Reactive Power Compensation based on Active Front-End Rectifiers |
3.2 | Fanis Siraev, Regina Khazieva Pulse Width Modulation to Control a Resonant Inverter |
3.3 | Maksim Ivanov, Bogdan Solovev, Regina Khazieva Multifunctional Integrated Electromagnetic Component Windings Inductance |
3.4 | Alexander Konev, Marat Khakimyanov High Voltage Insulation Tester |
3.5 | A.A. Nikolaev, M.V. Bulanov, I.G. Gilemov, A.S. Denisevich Comparative Analysis of the Efficiency for Modified PWM Algorithms in Active Rectifiers of Powerful Industrial Electric Drives |
3.6 | A.A. Nikolaev, M.Yu. Afanasev, A.S. Denisevich, A.S. Maklakov New methodology for calculation of the special passive filter parameters with the aim of voltage quality improving in networks with active rectifiers |
3.7 | Haider M. Jassim, Anatolii Zyuzev Control of Grid-tied Three-level Four-leg Inverter Using Sliding Mode Controller Based on Fryze Current Minimization Technique |
3.8 | Gennadiy P. Kornilov, Ildar R. Abdulveleev, Aleksey A. Bochkarev A Novel Fundamental Frequency Modulation Strategy for Cascaded Multilevel STATCOM with Non-sinusoidal Load Currents |
3.9 | Sattarov R.R., Azmetov T.I. Impedance Z-Source Inverter with Multifunctional Integrated LC Electromagnetic Component |
3.10 | A.S. Maklakov, A.S. Antonenko Studying Non-Eliminated Harmonics in the Current Spectrum of a Three-Level Converter with Programmed PWM |
Секция 4. Электрические машины |
4.1 | Evgeny Omelchenko, Alexey Lymar Development of a New System for the Asynchronous Motor Parameters Identification based on Neural Networks |
4.2 | D.S. Gandzha, Y.S. Ulman Development of low-speed synchronous high-power motor based on clow-pole excitation system |
4.3 | I.A. Chuyduk, D.S. Gandzha Thermal analysis of a motor wheel based on a brushless motor of combined excitation for vehicle electrical transmission |
4.4 | Flyur R. Ismagilov, Egor A. Pronin, Iskander R. Garipov Experimental Studies of Electrical and Vibrational Characteristics of Additive Aluminum Windings of a Synchronous Generator Based on Permanent Magnets with Carbon Nanotubes |
4.5 | Vyacheslav Ye. Vavilov, Alexander S. Argakov, Iskander R. Garipov Integrated Starter-Generator for a More Electric Engine: a Brief Overview |
4.6 | Flyur R. Ismagilov, Ildus F. Sayakhov, Ruslan R. Urazbakhtin Study of an Axial Flux Electric Motor with High-Temperature Superconducting Windings for an Aircraft Propeller |
4.7 | Vyacheslav Ye. Vavilov, Eugene O. Zharkov, Ildus F. Sayakhov Comparison of the Effect of the Number of Slots and Poles of Multi-Pole Aircraft Electric Machines on the Attraction of Stator Teeth to the Rotor |
4.8 | Alexey A. Zherebtsov, Alexander S. Argakov, Oksana A. Yushkova Influence of Seating Depth of Permanent Magnets in Rotors with Two-Phase Magnetic Material on Mechanical Properties |
4.9 | Egor A. Pronin, Eugene O. Zharkov, Alexey A. Zherebtsov Principle of Air Cooling of Permanent Magnet Axial Electric Machine |
4.10 | Robert Sattarov, Arthur Makhiyanov Twin-Generator Reconfigurable Set for Wind Power Plant |
4.11 | Саттаров Р.Р., Зиганшин Т.Р. Обобщенная модель магнитоэлектрического генератора с проводящей защитной оболочкой статора |
4.12 | E.Ya. Omelchenko,A.I. Gibadullin, A.P. Malcev Development of a Computer Model of a Mechatronic Loading Unit for Studyng the Performans Characteristics of Asynchronous Motors |
Секция 5. Системы электроснабжения |
5.1 | Maxim M. Lygin, Olga V. Gazizova, Gennadiy P. Kornilov Analysis of the efficiency of using cascade-frequency control of a group of feed pumps at an industrial power plant |
5.2 | A.A. Nikolaev, M.V. Bulanov, E.S. Smirnov, V.N. Ochiridnyak Analysing of the Trip Current Influence in EAF’s Furnace Transformer Under Load on the Appearance of Switching Overvoltages |
5.3 | Alla Prokubovskaya, Valery Zelentsov, Vladimir Ippolitov Tracking Substation Simulation Model as Part of Energy Saving Unit in Power Supply and Control of Regulated Electric Underground Drives |
5.4 | Pavel Pustokhin, Haider M. Jassim, Anatolii Ziuzev VSM for microgrid on the compressor stations |